How to Take

Homeopathic Remedies

with Award-Winning Holistic Practitioner & Nutritionist, Marc Weill

Featuring Physica Energetics products.


The Weill Technique

Watch an overview of Marc Weill’s techniques, methodology, and philosophy on pain relief, muscle testing, and root cause assessment of common ailments that plague so many.


How to Do an Enema

with Award-Winning Holistic Practitioner & Nutritionist, Marc Weill


Bugs Your Pets Pass You

Animal Pathogens can transfer to humans. There's more animals than kids in the US and they carry all sorts of germs to be mindful of. Famous Healer/Rolfer Marc Weill giving a talk in Seattle on how animal pathogens can affect patient proprioception.



In this video Dr. Kevin Smith, D.C., discusses he successfully used the Weil Pain Relief Method with a patient on the Monday morning following a weekend seminar with Marc Weill. Dr. Smith tripled his practice in the next 30 days as word spread about the incredible results that he was producing for his patients.


How to Cure & Prevent Bladder Infections